Coastline Software is

Coastline Software is a leading provider and publisher of software solutions for your home and work computer. We help millions of people around the world protect, connect, and secure their computers from the outside threats unleashed into the online world. Groundbreaking distribution sources drive the core publishing of our products and services. Protection, connection, and security are Coastline Software's cornerstones.

News headlines
  Sober worm makes a comeback
- By Dan Ilett, CNET News.com May 6, 2005
  The end of spyware? Fat chance
-By Charles Cooper, CNET News.com May 6, 2005
  Spyware in 87% of corporate PCs
- By Bill Brenner, Search Security.com News May 4, 2005
  How Secure Is Instant Messaging?
- By Frank Thorsberg, From the October 2002 issue of PC World magazine
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